FGF-21   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 11721

Synonyms: fibroblast growth factor 21
Comment: FGF21 is a mitogen that is involved in the migration and differentiation of cells that are of mesodermal or neuroectodermal origin, and in metabolic regulation [2]. Klotho beta (KLB) appears to be required for FGF21's metabolic activity [3]. The peptide sequence provided here includes the signal peptide (MDSDETGFEHSGLWVSVLAGLLLGACQA).
Species: Human
Bioactivity Comments
FGF21 can signal through FGFR1-3 that are bound by βKlotho. This mechanism increases glucose uptake in adipocytes that express FGFR1 [3]. FGF21 is reported to actively participate in skin wound healing [1].