erythropoietin   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 4921

Synonyms: Epogen® | Procrit®
Approved drug
erythropoietin is an approved drug (FDA (no history prior to 1989 available))
Comment: Recombinant forms of human erythropoietin (epoetins), are contained in various approved drugs with INNs that reflect the different glycoform structures formed by different manufacturing processes. The table below provides details of the epoetin alpha originator drug and biosimilars that are currently approved for use by the US FDA and/or the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Epoetin alpha and biosimilar drugs.

INNTrade names (authorisation holder)First FDA approvalFirst EMA approval
epoetin alfaBinocrit (Sandoz), Abseamed (Medice Arzneimittel Pütter), Epogen (Amgen), Procrit (Janssen)19892007
epoetin betaNeoRecormon, Recormon (both Roche)n/a1997
epoetin zeta (a.k.a. epoetin alfa-epbx)Silapo (Stada Arzneimitte), Retacrit (Hospira)20182007
epoetin thetaBiopoin (Teva), Eporatio (Ratiopharm)n/a2009
Species: Human
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Peptide Sequence Click here for help
Selected 3D Structures
Image of ligand 3D structure from RCSB PDB
Post-translational Modification
N-linked glycosylation of asparagine residues at positions 24, 38, and 83; O-linked glycosylation of serine at position 126; disulphide bond formation between cysteine residues at positions 7 and 161, and 29 and 33