IL-12A   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 5001

Synonyms: IL-12 p35 | interleukin-12A | NKSF1
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Comment: This is the alpha subunit of the active IL-12 hetreodimer.
Species: Human
1. Wolf SF, Temple PA, Kobayashi M, Young D, Dicig M, Lowe L, Dzialo R, Fitz L, Ferenz C, Hewick RM et al.. (1991)
Cloning of cDNA for natural killer cell stimulatory factor, a heterodimeric cytokine with multiple biologic effects on T and natural killer cells.
J Immunol, 146 (9): 3074-81. [PMID:1673147]