bulevirtide   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 12775

Synonyms: BLV | formerly Myrcludex B | Hepcludex®
Approved drug
bulevirtide is an approved drug (EMA (2020), UK HMRA (2021))
Comment: Bulevirtide is a lipopeptide antiviral agent. It blocks entry of the hepatitis-causing viruses HBV and HDV into hepatocytes [1]. The peptide structure of bulevirtide is derived from the pre-S1 domain of the large envelope protein of HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) [4], that binds to the heoatocyte expressed surface protein sodium/bile acid and sulphated solute cotransporter 1 (NTCP; SLC10A1) to mediate viral entry into host cells. Bulevirtide functionally blocks this entry process [3].
Peptide Sequence Click here for help