oleandrin   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 12618

Synonyms: foliandrin | neriolin | PBI-05204 (mixture of botanical compounds) | PBI05204
Comment: Oleandrin is a plant-derived glycoside. It has been associated with a range of biological effects in animals [5], including potential anti-tumour activity [1-3]. Inhibition of FGF-2 export from prostate cancer cells has been reported, and this is proposed as a potential mechanism underlying its anti-tumour effect [4].
2D Structure
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Physico-chemical Properties
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Hydrogen bond acceptors 9
Hydrogen bond donors 2
Rotatable bonds 6
Topological polar surface area 120.75
Molecular weight 576.72
XLogP 3.68
No. Lipinski's rules broken 1
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Canonical SMILES C[C@H]1[C@@H]([C@H](C[C@@H](O1)O[C@H]2CC[C@@]3(C)[C@H](CC[C@@H]4[C@@H]3CC[C@]5(C)[C@@H](C6=CC(=O)OC6)[C@H](C[C@]45O)OC(=O)C)C2)OC)O
Isomeric SMILES C[C@H]1[C@@H]([C@H](C[C@@H](O1)O[C@H]2CC[C@]3([C@@H](C2)CC[C@@H]4[C@@H]3CC[C@]5([C@@]4(C[C@@H]([C@@H]5C6=CC(=O)OC6)OC(=O)C)O)C)C)OC)O
InChI InChI=1S/C32H48O9/c1-17-29(35)24(37-5)14-27(39-17)41-21-8-10-30(3)20(13-21)6-7-23-22(30)9-11-31(4)28(19-12-26(34)38-16-19)25(40-18(2)33)15-32(23,31)36/h12,17,20-25,27-29,35-36H,6-11,13-16H2,1-5H3/t17-,20+,21-,22-,23+,24-,25-,27-,28-,29-,30-,31+,32-/m0/s1
1. Calderón-Montaño JM, Burgos-Morón E, Guillén-Mancina E, López-Lázaro M. (2015)
Does the Nerium oleander extract PBI-05204 have potential for pancreatic cancer therapy?.
Invest New Drugs, 33 (3): 787. [PMID:25698441]
2. Francischini CRD, Mendonça CR, Barcelos KA, Silva MAM, Botelho AFM. (2022)
Antitumor effects of oleandrin in different types of cancers: Systematic review.
Toxicon, 216: 15-27. [PMID:35772506]
3. Roth MT, Cardin DB, Borazanci EH, Steinbach M, Picozzi VJ, Rosemury A, Wadlow RC, Newman RA, Berlin J. (2020)
A Phase II, Single-Arm, Open-Label, Bayesian Adaptive Efficacy and Safety Study of PBI-05204 in Patients with Stage IV Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.
Oncologist, 25 (10): e1446-e1450. [PMID:32452588]
4. Smith JA, Madden T, Vijjeswarapu M, Newman RA. (2001)
Inhibition of export of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) from the prostate cancer cell lines PC3 and DU145 by Anvirzel and its cardiac glycoside component, oleandrin.
Biochem Pharmacol, 62 (4): 469-72. [PMID:11448457]
5. Van Kanegan MJ, Dunn DE, Kaltenbach LS, Shah B, He DN, McCoy DD, Yang P, Peng J, Shen L, Du L et al.. (2016)
Dual activities of the anti-cancer drug candidate PBI-05204 provide neuroprotection in brain slice models for neurodegenerative diseases and stroke.
Sci Rep, 6: 25626. [PMID:27172999]