ASC06-IgG1   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 12564

Compound class: Antibody
Comment: ASC06-IgG1 is a antibody that inhibits ASIC1a channel activity [1]. It binds to the structurally intact channel in the upper part of the extracellular domain with substantial contact on the finger domain and is highly selective for ASIC1a over other subtypes.
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1. Qiang M, Dong X, Zha Z, Zuo XK, Song XL, Zhao L, Yuan C, Huang C, Tao P, Hu Q et al.. (2018)
Selection of an ASIC1a-blocking combinatorial antibody that protects cells from ischemic death.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 115 (32): E7469-E7477. [PMID:30042215]