zigakibart   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 12101

Synonyms: BION-1301 | BION1301 | clone 14_1G.15
Immunopharmacology Ligand
Compound class: Antibody
Comment: Zigakibart is an anti-TNFSF13 (APRIL) monoclonal antibody that has been designed for anti-inflammatory potential. Amino acid sequences for zigakibart's heavy and light chains (obtained from INN documentation) match the sequences for clone 14_1G.15 as claimed in patent US9969808B2 (Aduro Biotech) [1]. Aduro Biotech merged into Chinook Therapeutics in mid-2020, with this new entity holding the humanized IgG4 anti-APRIL mAb BION-1301 in its development portfolio. We predict that zigakibart is the INN for BION-1301. BION-1301 is described as blocking APRIL binding to both the BCMA and TACI receptors, to down-modulate B cell functions.
1. Van Eenennaam H, Van Elsas A, Hulsik DL, Medema JP. (2018)
Altered APRIL binding antibodies.
Patent number: US9969808B2. Assignee: Aduro Biotech Holdings. Priority date: 09/01/2015. Publication date: 15/05/2018.