palifermin   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 6954

Synonyms: Kepivance® | keratinocyte growth factor
Approved drug
palifermin is an approved drug (FDA (2004), EMA (2005))
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: Palfermin is a modified truncated form of human keratinocyte growth factor produced by recombinant DNA technology.
No information available.
Summary of Clinical Use Click here for help
Palfermin is used to treat oral sores and ulcers that arise as a result of chemo- and radiotherapy.
Mechanism Of Action and Pharmacodynamic Effects Click here for help
Palfermin induces expression of genes required for cell growth and survival when it binds to cell surface of FGF receptor 2 positive target cells, promoting the healing process.
External links Click here for help