HU-210   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 731

Synonyms: HU 211 | HU210
PDB Ligand
Compound class: Synthetic organic
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2D Structure
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Physico-chemical Properties
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Hydrogen bond acceptors 1
Hydrogen bond donors 2
Rotatable bonds 7
Topological polar surface area 49.69
Molecular weight 386.28
XLogP 6.54
No. Lipinski's rules broken 1
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Canonical SMILES CCCCCCC(c1cc(O)c2c(c1)OC(C1C2CC(=CC1)CO)(C)C)(C)C
Isomeric SMILES CCCCCCC(c1cc(O)c2c(c1)OC([C@H]1[C@H]2CC(=CC1)CO)(C)C)(C)C
InChI InChI=1S/C25H38O3/c1-6-7-8-9-12-24(2,3)18-14-21(27)23-19-13-17(16-26)10-11-20(19)25(4,5)28-22(23)15-18/h10,14-15,19-20,26-27H,6-9,11-13,16H2,1-5H3/t19-,20-/m1/s1
Classification Click here for help
Compound class Synthetic organic
IUPAC Name Click here for help
Synonyms Click here for help
HU 211 | HU210
Database Links Click here for help
Specialist databases
GPCRdb Ligand HU-210
Other databases
BindingDB Ligand 50067499
CAS Registry No. 112830-95-2 (source: Scifinder)
ChEMBL Ligand CHEMBL307696
GtoPdb PubChem SID 135650355
PubChem CID 9821569
RCSB PDB Ligand A1H66
Search Google for chemical match using the InChIKey SSQJFGMEZBFMNV-WOJBJXKFSA-N
Search Google for chemicals with the same backbone SSQJFGMEZBFMNV
UniChem Compound Search for chemical match using the InChIKey SSQJFGMEZBFMNV-WOJBJXKFSA-N
UniChem Connectivity Search for chemical match using the InChIKey SSQJFGMEZBFMNV-WOJBJXKFSA-N
Wikipedia HU-210

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HU 210 (links to external site)
Cat. No. 0966