filgrastim   Click here for help

GtoPdb Ligand ID: 6968

Synonyms: Filcad® | Imumax ® | R-METHUG-CSF
Approved drug Immunopharmacology Ligand
filgrastim is an approved drug (FDA (1991))
Compound class: Peptide
Comment: This is a recombinant version of human G-CSF. The peptide is produced in E. coli and is non-glycosylated, whereas the naturally occurring peptide has an O-linked carbohydrate chain attached to Thr133. The carbohydrate chain protects the native peptide from degradation by human neutrophil elastase [1]. Therefore, filgrastim is more quickly degraded and loses biological activity more rapidly in comparison to native G-CSF.

Biosimilar drugs: The potential for utilising filgrastim biosimilar agents in neutropenia management is discussed in [2]. In March 2015, the US FDA approved the filgrastim biosimilar, Zarxio® (filgrastim-sndz) for the same indications as the reference product Neupogen®. This was the first biosimilar product to receive FDA approval. July 2018 saw FDA approval of the biosimilar Nivestym® (filgrastim-aafi), again for all eligible indications of the reference product. In the EU 7 filgrastim biosimilars received marketing authorisation between 2008 and 2014 (Ratiograstim®, Tevagrastim®, Filgrastim Hexal®, Zarzio, Nivestim®, Grastofil® and Accofil®, in order of approval), although some of these have since been withdrawn from the market. In March 2022, the FDA approved filgrastim-ayow (Releuko®, Amneal Pharmaceuticals),
Classification Click here for help
Compound class Peptide
Approved drug? Yes (FDA (1991))
WHO Essential Medicine WHO Essential Medicines List (EML) (23rd List, 2023). Access PDF version.
Click to view more information about the WHO Model Lists of Essential Medicines.
International Nonproprietary Names Click here for help
INN number INN
6739 filgrastim
Synonyms Click here for help
Filcad® | Imumax ® | R-METHUG-CSF
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Specialist databases
IMGT/mAb-DB 631
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ChEMBL Ligand CHEMBL1201567
DrugBank Ligand DB00099
GtoPdb PubChem SID 178103548
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