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Phospholipids are the basic barrier components of membranes in eukaryotic cells divided into glycerophospholipids (phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol and its phosphorylated derivatives) and sphingolipids (ceramide phosphorylcholine and ceramide phosphorylethanolamine).
* Key recommended reading is highlighted with an asterisk
Altan-Bonnet N, Balla T. (2012) Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases: hostages harnessed to build panviral replication platforms. Trends Biochem Sci, 37 (7): 293-302. [PMID:22633842]
Astudillo AM, Balgoma D, Balboa MA, Balsinde J. (2012) Dynamics of arachidonic acid mobilization by inflammatory cells. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1821 (2): 249-56. [PMID:22155285]
Balla T. (2009) Regulation of Ca2+ entry by inositol lipids in mammalian cells by multiple mechanisms. Cell Calcium, 45 (6): 527-34. [PMID:19395084]
Bechler ME, de Figueiredo P, Brown WJ. (2012) A PLA1-2 punch regulates the Golgi complex. Trends Cell Biol, 22 (2): 116-24. [PMID:22130221]
Berridge MJ. (2009) Inositol trisphosphate and calcium signalling mechanisms. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1793 (6): 933-40. [PMID:19010359]
Brown HA, Marnett LJ. (2011) Introduction to lipid biochemistry, metabolism, and signaling. Chem Rev, 111 (10): 5817-20. [PMID:21951202]
Bunney TD, Katan M. (2010) Phosphoinositide signalling in cancer: beyond PI3K and PTEN. Nat Rev Cancer, 10 (5): 342-52. [PMID:20414202]
Bunney TD, Katan M. (2011) PLC regulation: emerging pictures for molecular mechanisms. Trends Biochem Sci, 36 (2): 88-96. [PMID:20870410]
Cao J, Burke JE, Dennis EA. (2013) Using hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry to define the specific interactions of the phospholipase A2 superfamily with lipid substrates, inhibitors, and membranes. J Biol Chem, 288 (3): 1806-13. [PMID:23209293]
* Cauvin C, Echard A. (2015) Phosphoinositides: Lipids with informative heads and mastermind functions in cell division. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1851 (6): 832-43. [PMID:25449648]
Chen Y, Wang BC, Xiao Y. (2012) PI3K: a potential therapeutic target for cancer. J Cell Physiol, 227 (7): 2818-21. [PMID:21938729]
Clayton EL, Minogue S, Waugh MG. (2013) Mammalian phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases as modulators of membrane trafficking and lipid signaling networks. Prog Lipid Res, 52 (3): 294-304. [PMID:23608234]
Cocco L, Follo MY, Faenza I, Fiume R, Ramazzotti G, Weber G, Martelli AM, Manzoli FA. (2011) Physiology and pathology of nuclear phospholipase C β1. Adv Enzyme Regul, 51 (1): 2-12. [PMID:21035488]
Cushing TD, Metz DP, Whittington DA, McGee LR. (2012) PI3Kδ and PI3Kγ as targets for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. J Med Chem, 55 (20): 8559-81. [PMID:22924688]
Dan P, Rosenblat G, Yedgar S. (2012) Phospholipase A₂ activities in skin physiology and pathology. Eur J Pharmacol, 691 (1-3): 1-8. [PMID:22819703]
Falkenburger BH, Jensen JB, Dickson EJ, Suh BC, Hille B. (2010) Phosphoinositides: lipid regulators of membrane proteins. J Physiol (Lond.), 588 (Pt 17): 3179-85. [PMID:20519312]
Flanagan JU, Shepherd PR. (2014) Structure, function and inhibition of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase p110α enzyme. Biochem Soc Trans, 42 (1): 120-4. [PMID:24450638]
Frisardi V, Panza F, Seripa D, Farooqui T, Farooqui AA. (2011) Glycerophospholipids and glycerophospholipid-derived lipid mediators: a complex meshwork in Alzheimer's disease pathology. Prog Lipid Res, 50 (4): 313-30. [PMID:21703303]
Funakoshi Y, Hasegawa H, Kanaho Y. (2011) Regulation of PIP5K activity by Arf6 and its physiological significance. J Cell Physiol, 226 (4): 888-95. [PMID:20945365]
Fung-Leung WP. (2011) Phosphoinositide 3-kinase delta (PI3Kδ) in leukocyte signaling and function. Cell Signal, 23 (4): 603-8. [PMID:20940048]
Gomez-Cambronero J. (2011) The exquisite regulation of PLD2 by a wealth of interacting proteins: S6K, Grb2, Sos, WASp and Rac2 (and a surprise discovery: PLD2 is a GEF). Cell Signal, 23 (12): 1885-95. [PMID:21740967]
Gomez-Cambronero J. (2012) Biochemical and cellular implications of a dual lipase-GEF function of phospholipase D2 (PLD2). J Leukoc Biol, 92 (3): 461-7. [PMID:22750546]
Graham TR, Burd CG. (2011) Coordination of Golgi functions by phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases. Trends Cell Biol, 21 (2): 113-21. [PMID:21282087]
Harden TK, Waldo GL, Hicks SN, Sondek J. (2011) Mechanism of activation and inactivation of Gq/phospholipase C-β signaling nodes. Chem Rev, 111 (10): 6120-9. [PMID:21988240]
Harris TE, Finck BN. (2011) Dual function lipin proteins and glycerolipid metabolism. Trends Endocrinol Metab, 22 (6): 226-33. [PMID:21470873]
Hermansson M, Hokynar K, Somerharju P. (2011) Mechanisms of glycerophospholipid homeostasis in mammalian cells. Prog Lipid Res, 50 (3): 240-57. [PMID:21382416]
Hollander MC, Blumenthal GM, Dennis PA. (2011) PTEN loss in the continuum of common cancers, rare syndromes and mouse models. Nat Rev Cancer, 11 (4): 289-301. [PMID:21430697]
Hui DY. (2012) Phospholipase A(2) enzymes in metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Curr Opin Lipidol, 23 (3): 235-40. [PMID:22327613]
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Ito J, Parrington J, Fissore RA. (2011) PLCζ and its role as a trigger of development in vertebrates. Mol Reprod Dev, 78 (10-11): 846-53. [PMID:21823187]
Jang JH, Lee CS, Hwang D, Ryu SH. (2012) Understanding of the roles of phospholipase D and phosphatidic acid through their binding partners. Prog Lipid Res, 51 (2): 71-81. [PMID:22212660]
Kim JK, Lim S, Kim J, Kim S, Kim JH, Ryu SH, Suh PG. (2011) Subtype-specific roles of phospholipase C-β via differential interactions with PDZ domain proteins. Adv Enzyme Regul, 51 (1): 138-51. [PMID:21035486]
Kok BP, Venkatraman G, Capatos D, Brindley DN. (2012) Unlike two peas in a pod: lipid phosphate phosphatases and phosphatidate phosphatases. Chem Rev, 112 (10): 5121-46. [PMID:22742522]
Kolesnikov YS, Nokhrina KP, Kretynin SV, Volotovski ID, Martinec J, Romanov GA, Kravets VS. (2012) Molecular structure of phospholipase D and regulatory mechanisms of its activity in plant and animal cells. Biochemistry Mosc, 77 (1): 1-14. [PMID:22339628]
Kwiatkowska K. (2010) One lipid, multiple functions: how various pools of PI(4,5)P(2) are created in the plasma membrane. Cell Mol Life Sci, 67 (23): 3927-46. [PMID:20559679]
Leslie NR, Foti M. (2011) Non-genomic loss of PTEN function in cancer: not in my genes. Trends Pharmacol Sci, 32 (3): 131-40. [PMID:21236500]
Liu Y, Bankaitis VA. (2010) Phosphoinositide phosphatases in cell biology and disease. Prog Lipid Res, 49 (3): 201-17. [PMID:20043944]
Lyon AM, Tesmer JJ. (2013) Structural insights into phospholipase C-β function. Mol Pharmacol, 84 (4): 488-500. [PMID:23880553]
Maffucci T, Falasca M. (2014) New insight into the intracellular roles of class II phosphoinositide 3-kinases. Biochem Soc Trans, 42 (5): 1378-82. [PMID:25233418]
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Peng X, Frohman MA. (2012) Mammalian phospholipase D physiological and pathological roles. Acta Physiol (Oxf), 204 (2): 219-26. [PMID:21447092]
* Poli A, Billi AM, Mongiorgi S, Ratti S, McCubrey JA, Suh PG, Cocco L, Ramazzotti G. (2016) Nuclear Phosphatidylinositol Signaling: Focus on Phosphatidylinositol Phosphate Kinases and Phospholipases C. J Cell Physiol, 231 (8): 1645-55. [PMID:26626942]
Polivka Jr J, Janku F. (2014) Molecular targets for cancer therapy in the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway. Pharmacol Ther, 142 (2): 164-75. [PMID:24333502]
Quach ND, Arnold RD, Cummings BS. (2014) Secretory phospholipase A2 enzymes as pharmacological targets for treatment of disease. Biochem Pharmacol, 90 (4): 338-48. [PMID:24907600]
Ren H, Panchatcharam M, Mueller P, Escalante-Alcalde D, Morris AJ, Smyth SS. (2013) Lipid phosphate phosphatase (LPP3) and vascular development. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1831 (1): 126-32. [PMID:22835522]
Sabatel H, Pirlot C, Piette J, Habraken Y. (2011) Importance of PIKKs in NF-κB activation by genotoxic stress. Biochem Pharmacol, 82 (10): 1371-83. [PMID:21872579]
Samadi N, Bekele R, Capatos D, Venkatraman G, Sariahmetoglu M, Brindley DN. (2011) Regulation of lysophosphatidate signaling by autotaxin and lipid phosphate phosphatases with respect to tumor progression, angiogenesis, metastasis and chemo-resistance. Biochimie, 93 (1): 61-70. [PMID:20709140]
Selvy PE, Lavieri RR, Lindsley CW, Brown HA. (2011) Phospholipase D: enzymology, functionality, and chemical modulation. Chem Rev, 111 (10): 6064-119. [PMID:21936578]
Siniossoglou S. (2013) Phospholipid metabolism and nuclear function: roles of the lipin family of phosphatidic acid phosphatases. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1831 (3): 575-81. [PMID:23026159]
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Weinstein H, Scarlata S. (2011) The correlation between multidomain enzymes and multiple activation mechanisms--the case of phospholipase Cβ and its membrane interactions. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1808 (12): 2940-7. [PMID:21906583]
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Yagami T, Yamamoto Y, Koma H. (2014) The role of secretory phospholipase A₂ in the central nervous system and neurological diseases. Mol Neurobiol, 49 (2): 863-76. [PMID:24113843]
Database page citation:
Glycerophospholipid turnover. Accessed on 08/02/2025. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY,
Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY citation:
Alexander SPH, Fabbro D, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Davies JA; CGTP Collaborators. (2019) The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Enzymes. Br J Pharmacol. 176 Issue S1: S297-S396.
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